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5 Election-Themed Cocktails to Light on Fire and Throw

Let’s face it, politics is stressful no matter what side of the political aisle you land on. Whether you’re somewhere to the left campaigning for Medicare for all, to the right and subtly enabling fascism, or sitting in the center looking to compromise with the two, it’s hard. Spending 6 hours a day scrolling through Twitter without melting into a pool of existential despair is damn-near impossible, but fear not friends: liquid courage is here to save the day! Here are five cocktails that put a festive twist on the 2020 election!

  1. Molotov: This is a refreshing twist on an old favorite! You and your friends will be sure to love this combination of [CONTENT REDACTED BY BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS] 

  2. Molotov: Number 2 on our list is sure to cause a riot at your next gathering! Simply get a large glass bottle, [CONTENT REDACTED BY BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS]

  3. Molotov: Looking to take your evening to a whole new level? This next beverage on this list is sure to be the bomb at your next party. Just take [CONTENT REDACTED BY BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS] 

  4. Molotov: When life (or a tyrannical political system) gives you lemons, make this next drink! All you need is  [CONTENT REDACTED BY BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS] 

  5. Molotov: Listen, kid, want to start a revolution? Just take [CONTENT REDACTED BY BUREAU OF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS]


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