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Ashes of frat member who died over spring break mixed into keg for final party

After Logan Huntington, 19, died of unknown causes after a party on a spring break trip to Cancun, members of his fraternity, Alpha Epsilon, decided to do something special to honor their fallen brother. That’s when Scott Shackleton, the fraternity president, had the idea for what he calls the “memorial keg”.

This Saturday, at a party the fraternity has billed as “Fond Farewells and Slutty Hoes”, brothers plan to mix a sandwich bag full of Huntington’s ashes – acquired, they insist, with the permission of his parents – into a keg of beer. The beer will be distributed for all guests at the beginning of the party to toast Huntington’s memory, after which it will be available for anyone still able to stand or keg stand.

“We think it’s, like, what he would have wanted, you know?” said Shackleton of the plan. “People are saying it’s disrespectful or a potential health hazard or whatever, but we’re just, like, giving him one more chance to do what he loved, yeah?”

Brooklyn Nichols, whose sorority is right next to the Alpha Epsilon house, said she will definitely go to the party.

“It’s just such a, like, unique experience, you know? And I mean, we all want to honor Logan and stuff, too; it was so, like, sad when I heard about it. And I know some of the sisters don’t want to go ‘cause they think it’s ‘gross’ or whatever, but he was gross when he was alive, so how is it any different now?” 


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