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'Libertarian Students Club' Declares First Act Is to Abolish Self

Libertarian Students Club is no more after President Oliver Terrien followed through on his promise to the club’s members that his first act as president would be to disband the club.

“The club is an unnecessary waste of money,” LSC founder and President Terrien said. “It’s an overreaching bureaucracy that government funds should not go into.”

After gaining traction from incoming freshman hoping to get involved at the ground floor of a new political organization, Terry announced the group’s demise.

“This club has grown to be more than I ever thought it would, so I have to abolish it before it grows too much and begins to suck our funds dry,” Terry said in an email earlier this morning.

Freshman Todd Luther says the LSC’s disbandment is bittersweet. “As a libertarian, I was excited to meet like-minded individuals here on campus. However, as a libertarian, I was excited to see this money sinkhole finally put to rest,” said Luther.

President Oliver Terrien has told reporters he hopes to see the group revived by a corporation hoping to privatize it.


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