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“Op Ed: I can’t believe this fucking Pisces says she likes fall more than me”

Farrah has GOT to take it back about 4 notches.

So get this: yesterday Farrah just walks into the living room in leggings, a sweater, a scarf, and a shit eating grin. She says “oh me oh my it’s fall and I love it more than anyone!” and right after she said that she pulled two pumpkins out of her bra and juggled them just to show off. Apparently she’s been ‘getting ready for fall’ since last December. Puh-lease. I’ve been getting ready for fall since 4 falls ago.

Come on! You’re supposed to like winter, you Pisces ass slut! This is my season! You like to eat squash when they’re in season? I spend my summers, springs, and winters eating old, rotten squash because it’s the only things that provide me any stability.

Sometimes I fantasize about how much more peaceful fall would be if I could just pull her knit scarf just a little tighter around her throat and watch her last pumpkin-spice-scented-breath escape her whore lips.

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