Curiosity kills the cat and if Fred Rish had ever actually succeeded in fulfilling his wish, it would have killed him too. On February 14th around 1 AM Fred Rish, 21, was arrested for breaking into Dane County Sanitary Landfill. Along with Rish, three others were brought into custody, although none were charged. Reportedly during booking, Rish told officers that he “wants to get crushed by a trash compactor just to see how it feels.”
The Misnomer interviewed one of Fred Rish’sfriends, Joeb Iden, who talked with us about his concerns for Rish.
“We were just hanging out, smoking some weed when Fred started talking about his Ex. Then out of nowhere he talks about wanting to be crushed by a trash compactor, and not just talking about it, he seemed REALLY into the idea of being crushed. He wasn’t even smoking with us, it was kind of concerning.”
After being released with a $500 ticket in hand, Rish explained his reasoning for his desires to one of our interviewers.
“After my body builder Goth GF dumped me for an E-boy I just haven't felt the same. I was so used to getting crushed by her thicc thighs that without it I just don’t feel like the same man. Then I started thinking about other ways to get slammed, and after spending thousands of dollars on weighted blankets I knew I needed something stronger.”
Fred ended up investigating his new idea, convincing his friends to go on a drive to the local landfill.
“I really did not want to go” Said Joeb Iden, “but I was really worried about Fred and what he would do if he went alone.”
After arriving at the Dane County Sanitary Landfill, Rish proceeded to jump the fence surrounding the facility.
“At this point we were really worried about Fred, so we decided to follow him, in case he did something dangerous.” Said Iden.
Iden was glad he did. Fred ended up breaking into the building that held the trash compactor and turned it on.
“The humming of the trash compactor reminded me of the sound of my Ex GF’s gaming computer when it was overheating. I just couldn't help myself…”
Rish ended up climbing up to the top of the trash compactor and prepared to jump in. Luckily, just in the nick of time, Rish’s friends were able to pull him back. Rish struggled against his friend for a few minutes shouting how he just wanted that crushing love back in his life. Eventually they were able to calm him down, by which time the police had arrived at the scene, arresting Fred Rish and company.