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Unpaid Internship in Coal Mine a “Really Valuable Work Experience” for Local Business Major

Karl Jankins, a Junior here at UW-Madison wanted everyone to know about an amazing new opportunity for students looking to get hands-on work experience. After an under the table deal was finally hammered out, the Madison Misnomer agreed to help spread the word.

Karl, a student at the School of Business, wasn’t feeling connected to his chosen major, a BBA in Supply Chain Management, which he had chosen by throwing a dart onto a dartboard covered in majors. While contemplating what the hell he was going to do with his chosen study, he realized he should try and tie it to his passions, mainly Minecraft. He realized that there was one person who really understood the underground of campus.

“There’s no one else that knows this campus like my man Tunnel Bob, so I went to him and asked, how do I get into mining and crafting? He told me that there was a great coal mining opportunity underneath Van Hise. So I said screw it, college is the time to explore my options in life, might as well try coal mining.”

Karl told our reporter that by the next day Tunnel Bob had led him to the secret coal mine beneath Van Hise, where he was given a pickaxe and told to start digging. Karl ended up working in the coal mine for the rest of the semester. while he made no money and walked away with permanently weakened lungs, he told our reporters that he would never trade the experience for anything. “I learned what it's like to work for hours with no sun and no pay which will really prepare me for my low rung corporate future,” explained Jankins, through bouts of wheezing coughs, "I also got hands-on experience with coal, which is basically dinosaur bones.”

Karl Jankins said that any students lost at what to do should try out coal mining, for more information find Tunnel Bob or find a pit to fall down into, either of which can lead you to the coal mines.

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